If your baby has been born with microtia, you should schedule a free consultation with Dr. John Reinisch. As a microtia specialist, he can help you understand your child's condition, and he can develop a treatment plan so your child can live a normal, healthy life. Microtia is extremely rare, but proven treatment options do exist.
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Congratulations on the birth of your newborn. Having a child with microtia is unexpected and is concerning and surprising. Microtia is not usually seen prenatally on ultrasound. Microtia is so uncommon, it's not looked for. But I'm here to reassure you that you did nothing wrong during your pregnancy. Unfortunately, because microtia is uncommon, it's hard to get good information about the condition. Your pediatrician may have never seen a case, but I can tell you that microtia children develop well. They are healthy and are very similar to their siblings.
It's usually helpful for you to see a microtia specialist early even if your child is a newborn. We're very passionate about microtia. And if you would like to arrange a free, complimentary one-hour consultation, we're happy to offer that. It can help you with the understanding of your child's condition and the planning going forward.