Reinisch Plastic Surgery

Can a Microtia Surgeon Also Treat Facial Asymmetry?

Jul 19, 2024 @ 12:07 PM — by Dr. John Reinisch
Tagged with: Microtia Hemifacial Microsomia

When you visit an experienced microtia surgery expert, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands. A surgeon who is board-certified and internationally recognized for their work can create a natural-looking ear that is indistinguishable from a real ear.

Many people with microtia who come to Reinisch Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, also experience facial asymmetry. We should note that many surgeons who treat microtia can also correct related issues that cause facial asymmetry.

Let’s explain why that is and how a microtia surgeon can improve facial symmetry as part of the treatment process.

About Facial Asymmetry (Hemifacial Microsomia)

Also known as hemifacial microsomia, facial asymmetry refers to an uneven appearance of a person’s face. When it affects someone with microtia, it typically alters the side of the face where the affected ear is located.

In many cases, the microtia’s patient cheek area or jaw/jawline is most affected by facial asymmetry.

Why Hemifacial Microsomia Happens in People With Microtia

When an ear is not fully formed, this can affect the structures that are adjacent to the partially formed ear. A lack of tissue is not uncommon in these scenarios.

If the facial asymmetry goes untreated despite ear reconstruction, it can leave a patient feeling self-conscious about the way they look.

Improving Overall Facial Appearance

When surgically treating microtia at our Beverly Hills facility, we have different methods of improving facial symmetry. One technique involves placing abdominal fat around the cheek area, which achieves a natural-looking fullness.

Other methods to achieve symmetry can be discussed in greater detail as part of the consultation process.

Addressing Other Issues Linked to Microtia

In addition to microtia and facial asymmetry, our team of experts also offers treatment for aural atresia and hearing loss. These procedures help improve the structure and function of the inner ear and ear canal, which improves a patient’s ability to hear.

We have a lot of experience treating cosmetic and anatomical issues related to microtia. It’s how we’ve established ourselves as leaders in this particular field of reconstructive surgery.

Planning Out the Surgical Procedure

During your consultation at our Beverly Hills cosmetic and reconstructive surgery center, we will examine the affected ear and determine which grade/level of microtia is present. If there is also hearing loss related to microtia, we can determine if an ear canal needs to be created as well.

Since we mainly operate on children, we do our best to limit the number of surgeries performed. If we can get the entire procedure completed in one session, we will do so.

Remember that each patient is different, so it’s important to get a personal evaluation from our team to create a custom treatment plan.

Contact Our Office to Set Up a Consultation

If you or your child has microtia, we encourage you to discuss surgical options with our team. We can improve facial aesthetics and also improve your ability to hear, which can have numerous benefits to quality of life. To set up a consultation, contact our surgical practice in Southern California.