Reinisch Plastic Surgery

Patient Family Greeting - Four Years Post-Bilateral Medpor Ear Reconstruction Surgery

Jan 14, 2015 @ 01:58 PM — by Alice Ting, MPH ACSW
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We received a lovely holidays greeting from Savannah's family. Savannah has Treacher Collins and bilateral Microtia. It has been four years since her bilateral Medpor ear reconstruction surgery with Dr. Reinisch.

Savannah's father writes to Dr. Reinisch: "Merry Christmas! Hope you all are well. here are some of Savannahs dancing photos. Savannah is doing really well. Love, From Scott"

We are happy to hear Savannah is doing well and thank Scott for sharing Savannah's beautiful dancing photos. Please see below for before and after surgery photos of Savannah's ear.