Reinisch Plastic Surgery

Happy Patient's Testimonial - From Hawaii

Oct 21, 2014 @ 09:47 AM — by Alice Ting, MPH ACSW
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Carl was a 54 year old man who injured his left ear while surfing 6 months prior to his "before" photos (See below). He had several surgeries in Hawaii, but lost his ear and had complete closure of his canal from scarring. Dr. Reinisch reconstructed Carl’s ear and opened his canal in a single outpatient surgery. He is seen here in the photos above one year after his reconstruction and has returned to surfing.

Dr. Reinisch received a wonderful email from Carl, along with his one-year post-operative photos that reads: "Aloha Dr. Reinisch, I am sorry it took me so long to get back with you. Attached are a couple of pictures. The ear is doing fine, it is a little swollen in the mornings but it gets better throughout the day. Most people can't tell which ear it is unless they stare at me. Great job, I really appreciate your skills. Can you do anything about this getting old thing? Aloha and Mahalo, Carl & Suzanne."